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International Review of Social Research

Print ISSN: 2069-8267
Online ISSN:2069-8534
Frequency: Three times a year
Current volume: 3/2013

Current issue

Table of contents

February 2012; Volume 2, Issue 1.

Special Issue: Material Culture and Mass Consumption in the Global South
Guest Editors: Carmen RIAL, Sandra Rubia SILVA and Angela Maria De SOUZA


A Place Called Supermarket (pages 143-156)
Maria Elisabeth GOIDANICH, Carmen RIAL
Article first published online: 25 February 2012

Keywords: supermarket, place, daily practices, sociability.

Abstract. The objective of this study is to interpret supermarket stores as privileged spaces for the observation of social relations. The article is based on an ethnography of shopping conducted in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, by observing middle class housewives during their daily shopping in supermarkets. These stores are seen as places, in opposition to that proposed by Augè (1995), who affirms that supermarkets are non-places produced by supermodernity. The article discusses the history of supermarkets, their role in the cultural and social transformations of the twentieth century, as well as ethnographic data, and shows that it is possible to identify many social interactions inside Brazilian supermarkets.

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©University of Bucharest, 2012